
Location,City : United States / Beverly Hills

Max Target : $ 2000000000

Equity on offer : 100 %

Min Target : $ 1,000,000

Equity on offer : 10 %

Industry :
Products & inventions

Investment Round :

Stage :
Generating sales

Website : Visit

Posted By : Edwin Dorshkind Connect


OntheLit is a for-profit research company and provides content through email upon paying the membership fee. We have retail operations on DoorDash in 5 major cities in the United States.

Notable Achievements

  • Own Affiliate Program on Website.
  • A+ rating on Better Business Bureau.
  • +100 million website visits per month from my +40 partners on Impact.com.
  • DoorDash stores generating revenue.
  • Elite group of Followers on LinkedIn

Pitch Video

The Business

OntheLit is a for-profit research company and provides content through email upon paying the membership fee. We have retail operations on DoorDash in 5 major cities in the United States. The opportunity is to buy the company and fund the marketing because the company is set up to make tens of millions per year.

The Market

The for-profit research industry is untapped. It is a legal operation in the USA and there is no central company for this in the world.

Objective/Future (Use of funds)

I will sell the business gladly and still be apart of the company if invited.

This money will be used for marketing purposes. Cold calling will be the primary usage of these funds along with Facebook funding for leads.

The Team

Edwin Dorshkind - Owner

Edwin Dorshkind: Founder of Onthelit; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Leading Organizations and Change; Colorado Technical University, Bachelor’s Degree in International Business

Exit Strategy

I plan on working with management when the company is purchased if invited.

Make an offer

Join our team

Looking For : Fund Raiser
Equity : 100%

I am looking for a 100% buy of the company at 2,000,000,000 USD. With this price you are getting the +40 partners on Impact.com, +100 Million website visits per month, an affiliate networking program that can be marketed for sales, a DoorDash operation that can be marketed for sales, an elite group of followers on Social Media and an +A Better Business Bureau rating.