Chatman Communication Corporation

Location,City : United States / Saint Louis

Max Target : $ 70,000

Equity on offer : 20 %

Min Target : $ 30,000

Equity on offer : 15 %

Industry :

Investment Round :
Early stage

Stage :

Website : Visit

Posted By : Latonya Chatman Connect


Currently we provider sale service for 46 telecommunications carries for residentials and businesses the entire United States, also we process cellular warranties and roadside assistance.

Pitch Video

The Business

Chatman Communication Corporation is a professional
communication company that has been successfully servicing
larger companies throughout the United States since February
2019. Currently we have 25 employees that is skilled and highly
trained in there positions held.
The companies that we provide support service for, rely on us to
resolve their issues with the least amount of disruption to the
project at hand. Clients expect a personalized, efficient, more
human experience so we stride to be effective in management,
support, performance and changChatman Communication Corp.
professional services support include high-quality resources and
industry-leading methodology to ensure successful
implementation of your contracting needs.

The Market

Chatman Communication Corp targeting audience is Corporation, business owner,
community service organization, programs managers, presidents, or CEOs with
unlimited employees that needs assist with helping communicated and suppling
consulting verbally, nonverbal, written, and visually. management, support,
performance, and company changes. Specifically, we specialize in assure excellent,
knowledgeable expertise, safe and secure information technology, sufficient and
timely work performance, with a quality assurance control approach.

Objective/Future (Use of funds)

Expansion, marketing and hiring.

Expansion, marketing and hiring.

Exit Strategy

My only way to exit the business is retiring and passing down to my children or me passing away.

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